The Beginner's guide to mark making

Learn how to play with paint in a carefree way that grows your creative confidence!

Let’s get real for a second, friend

Taking time for yourself to paint seems impossible and guilt overcomes you, so you tell yourself a million reasons why you can’t do it. TOP REASON: I’m not good enough.

Before I started painting, I wanted to try it, but I never felt good enough either. It wasn’t until a friend invited me to try it out with her that I released my fear just enough to do it.

Let me be that friend for you.

I’m inviting you into the painting world through mark making. You don’t need to complete a painting, you don’t need to know about color, you don’t even need to know what mark making is (until you read this guide 😁).

Learning to paint is an exploration into all of those things one step at a time. The best part about it is you get to learn more about yourself one step at a time too.

Art is a process of self-discovery and it’s one of the most beautiful, healing experiences ever.

Won’t you join me?

NO MORE wondering if you’re good enough to paint.


NO MORE thinking you have to finish something when you create.


JUST free-flowing self-expression rooted in curiosity and exploration.


JUST freedom and play.

Truly, it's just like you say, ANYONE can paint - most of us think we can't. This mark making guide helps crack open the door and people leave saying, "Oh, I can do that!"

Lyndi G.

Inside this guide, you’ll:

  • learn what mark making is
  • get a mark making library that shows you what marks can be created with a variety of tools
  • find out the common barriers to getting started and how to avoid them
  • discover mark making possibilities to try yourself
  • see how limitations can expand your creativity
  • find prompt lists and project ideas to help you get started
  • enjoy a bonus page about finding your unique creative marks
  • be inspired and encouraged to create with freedom and curiosity


But more than all of that, getting this guide means you don’t have to find bits and pieces of knowledge about mark making all over the place, you get to have it in one spot.


It’s time to start making your mark.